Page 4 - 2017 Schools Flip
P. 4

This cool, young illustration shows a blend of modern characters.A friendly, bubbly and colourful cover with hand drawn cartoon illustrations.
Speci c Features
• School name included in the text on the front cover
•School colours embedded into the design •Letter from the Headteacher or Class
Teacher, or a school motto on the back cover •Internal page options include:
- themed background matching your chosen cover
- or plain white paper - or lined white paper 01225 866225 [email protected]
Sento ex et imo mo blandit aut voluptatur, Haribus veruptas dolut es eumque intur magnat its.
Sento ex et imo mo blandit aut voluptatur, Haribus veruptas dolut es eumque intur magnat its.
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et imo mo blandit aut voluptatur, Haribus veruptas dolut es eumque.
Sento ex et imo
mo blandit aut voluptatur, Haribus veruptas dolut es eumque.
Sento ex et imo mo blandit aut voluptatur, Haribus veruptas dolut es eumque intur magnat its.
Sento ex et imo mo blandit aut voluptatur, Haribus veruptas dolut es eumque intur magnat its.
Jade Baxter
Ella Brown
MARK Jones
Rory James
Lara McDonald
Mr Smithson Mr Matthews
Mrs James
Mrs Harper

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